Paul Kornichuk
Paul Kornichuk graduated from Berlin High in 1949. He was a four year starter on the football team, being named co-captain in his senior year alongside Hall of Fame inductee Phil Tinsley. During the 1947/1948 season the team went undefeated with a fifteen game winning streak. Paul was the leading scorer during his sophomore year and selected the most valuable player. He was regarded as one of best halfbacks in the school’s ten year history playing alongside Phil Tinsley. In 1949 the team shared the League Championship with Putnam High. The team was honored by a town parade and huge bonfire lit by Kornichuk and Tinsley at Percival Field attended by over 1100 townspeople.
In basketball Paul was four year letterman. The 1949 team reached the semi-final of the state tournament on a buzzer beater by Kornichuk at the last second against Nathan-Hale Ray, eventually losing to Tourtellotte Memorial, the eventual state champion.
In baseball Paul was also a four year letterman. He was elected class president his senior year. Paul was a veteran of the Korean War serving from 1951-1953 receiving the following awards: Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Service Medal with 3 Bronze Stars, and the United Nations Service Medal. He was married to Fern Drouin for 45 years with two children, daughter Denise and son Glenn. He retired in 1992 after 40 years in the steel industry as an ironworker, then as a purchasing agent and a short stint in real estate. He enjoyed years of skiing and golfing with his family and was an avid New York Giant and Boston Red Sox fan. Paul passed away February 29, 2004.