Ken Parciak
Ken Parciak graduated from Central Connecticut State College in 1974 and started his teaching career at Berlin High School in 1975. He taught physical education and health until 2003 where he also coached women’s basketball and softball. He coached basketball from 1974-1994 starting with the freshmen and JV levels before taking over as the varsity coach in 1982. He had a thirteen year record of 141 wins and 135 losses, qualifying for the state tournament 11 years. He was selected as a CHSCA All-Star Coach.
Ken was the softball coach from 1979-2003 and had a 24 year record of 386 wins and 139 losses. His teams won 12 League Championships and 4 State Championships, qualifying for the state tournament 23 out of the 24 years of his coaching career. He was also selected to coach in the CHSCA All-Star Softball game.
Ken was recognized for numerous honors during his career: 1990 Connecticut High School Coaches Association Softball Coach of the Year, 1998 National High School Coaches Association Softball Coach of the Year Finalist, and in 2010 inducted into the Connecticut High School and Collegiate Hall of Fame.
Ken served on the CIAC/CHSCA Softball Committee for ten years, acting as chairperson for seven years. He was a member of the CHSCA All-Star Softball Committee for twenty years, being chairperson for twelve years. He also served as chairperson of the Northwest Conference Softball Committee for twenty years. During his coaching career Ken has had numerous players selected to All-State and All- League Teams and individual players and teams have held NFHS national records. He also conducted clinics for local youth groups in softball and basketball.
After leaving Berlin High School Ken received his certification as a Certified Athletic Administrator from the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association and served as Athletic Director in the Windsor school district from 2003-2010 retiring in 2010.